Source code for hotspot.hotspot

import anndata
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import warnings

from scipy.sparse import issparse, csr_matrix

from .knn import (
from .local_stats import compute_hs
from .local_stats_pairs import compute_hs_pairs, compute_hs_pairs_centered_cond

from . import modules
from .plots import local_correlation_plot
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs]class Hotspot: def __init__( self, adata, layer_key=None, model="danb", latent_obsm_key=None, distances_obsp_key=None, tree=None, umi_counts_obs_key=None, ): """Initialize a Hotspot object for analysis Either `latent` or `tree` or `distances` is required. Parameters ---------- adata : anndata.AnnData Count matrix (shape is cells by genes) layer_key: str Key in adata.layers with count data, uses adata.X if None. model : string, optional Specifies the null model to use for gene expression. Valid choices are: - 'danb': Depth-Adjusted Negative Binomial - 'bernoulli': Models probability of detection - 'normal': Depth-Adjusted Normal - 'none': Assumes data has been pre-standardized latent_obsm_key : string, optional Latent space encoding cell-cell similarities with euclidean distances. Shape is (cells x dims). Input is key in adata.obsm distances_obsp_key : pandas.DataFrame, optional Distances encoding cell-cell similarities directly Shape is (cells x cells). Input is key in adata.obsp tree : ete3.coretype.tree.TreeNode Root tree node. Can be created using ete3.Tree umi_counts_obs_key : str Total umi count per cell. Used as a size factor. If omitted, the sum over genes in the counts matrix is used """ counts = self._counts_from_anndata(adata, layer_key) distances = ( adata.obsp[distances_obsp_key] if distances_obsp_key is not None else None ) latent = adata.obsm[latent_obsm_key] if latent_obsm_key is not None else None umi_counts = ( adata.obs[umi_counts_obs_key] if umi_counts_obs_key is not None else None ) if latent is None and distances is None and tree is None: raise ValueError( "Neither `latent_obsm_key` or `tree` or `distances_obsp_key` arguments were supplied. One of these is required" ) if latent is not None and distances is not None: raise ValueError( "Both `latent_obsm_key` and `distances_obsp_key` provided - only one of these should be provided." ) if latent is not None and tree is not None: raise ValueError( "Both `latent_obsm_key` and `tree` provided - only one of these should be provided." ) if distances is not None and tree is not None: raise ValueError( "Both `distances_obsp_key` and `tree` provided - only one of these should be provided." ) if latent is not None: latent = pd.DataFrame(latent, index=adata.obs_names) # because of transpose we check if its csr if issparse(counts) and not isinstance(counts, csr_matrix): warnings.warn( "Hotspot will work faster when counts are a csc sparse matrix." ) if tree is not None: try: all_leaves = [] for x in tree: if x.is_leaf(): all_leaves.append( except: raise ValueError("Can't parse supplied tree") if len(all_leaves) != counts.shape[1] or len( set(all_leaves) & set(adata.obs_names) ) != len(all_leaves): raise ValueError( "Tree leaf labels don't match columns in supplied counts matrix" ) if umi_counts is None: umi_counts = counts.sum(axis=0) # handles sparse matrix outputs of sum umi_counts = np.asarray(umi_counts).ravel() else: assert umi_counts.size == counts.shape[1] if not isinstance(umi_counts, pd.Series): umi_counts = pd.Series(umi_counts, index=adata.obs_names) valid_models = {"danb", "bernoulli", "normal", "none"} if model not in valid_models: raise ValueError("Input `model` should be one of {}".format(valid_models)) valid_genes = counts.sum(axis=1) > 0 n_invalid = counts.shape[0] - valid_genes.sum() if n_invalid > 0: raise ValueError( "\nDetected all zero genes. Please filter adata and reinitialize." ) self.adata = adata self.layer_key = layer_key self.counts = counts self.latent = latent self.distances = distances self.tree = tree self.model = model self.umi_counts = umi_counts self.graph = None self.modules = None self.local_correlation_z = None self.linkage = None self.module_scores = None
[docs] @classmethod def legacy_init( cls, counts, model="danb", latent=None, distances=None, tree=None, umi_counts=None, ): """ Initialize a Hotspot object for analysis using legacy method Either `latent` or `tree` or `distances` is required. Parameters ---------- counts : pandas.DataFrame Count matrix (shape is genes x cells) model : string, optional Specifies the null model to use for gene expression. Valid choices are: - 'danb': Depth-Adjusted Negative Binomial - 'bernoulli': Models probability of detection - 'normal': Depth-Adjusted Normal - 'none': Assumes data has been pre-standardized latent : pandas.DataFrame, optional Latent space encoding cell-cell similarities with euclidean distances. Shape is (cells x dims) distances : pandas.DataFrame, optional Distances encoding cell-cell similarities directly Shape is (cells x cells) tree : ete3.coretype.tree.TreeNode Root tree node. Can be created using ete3.Tree umi_counts : pandas.Series, optional Total umi count per cell. Used as a size factor. If omitted, the sum over genes in the counts matrix is used Examples -------- >>> gene_exp = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0) # genes by cells >>> latent = pd.read_csv(latent_path, index_col=0) # cells by dims >>> hs = hotspot.Hotspot.legacy_init(gene_exp, model="normal", latent=latent) """ if latent is None and distances is None and tree is None: raise ValueError( "Neither `latent` or `tree` or `distance` arguments were supplied. One of these is required" ) if latent is not None and distances is not None: raise ValueError( "Both `latent` and `distances` provided - only one of these should be provided." ) if latent is not None and tree is not None: raise ValueError( "Both `latent` and `tree` provided - only one of these should be provided." ) if distances is not None and tree is not None: raise ValueError( "Both `distances` and `tree` provided - only one of these should be provided." ) if latent is not None: if counts.shape[1] != latent.shape[0]: if counts.shape[0] == latent.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "`counts` input should be a Genes x Cells dataframe. Maybe needs transpose?" ) raise ValueError( "Size mismatch counts/latent. Columns of `counts` should match rows of `latent`." ) if distances is not None: assert counts.shape[1] == distances.shape[0] assert counts.shape[1] == distances.shape[1] if umi_counts is None: umi_counts = counts.sum(axis=0) else: assert umi_counts.size == counts.shape[1] if not isinstance(umi_counts, pd.Series): umi_counts = pd.Series(umi_counts) valid_genes = counts.var(axis=1) > 0 n_invalid = counts.shape[0] - valid_genes.sum() if n_invalid > 0: counts = counts.loc[valid_genes] print("\nRemoving {} undetected/non-varying genes".format(n_invalid)) input_adata = anndata.AnnData(counts) input_adata = input_adata.transpose() tc_key = "total_counts" input_adata.obs[tc_key] = umi_counts.values dkey = "distances" if distances is not None: input_adata.obsp[dkey] = distances dist_input = True else: dist_input = False lkey = "latent" if latent is not None: input_adata.obsm[lkey] = np.asarray(latent) latent_input = True else: latent_input = False return cls( input_adata, model=model, latent_obsm_key=lkey if latent_input else None, distances_obsp_key=dkey if dist_input else None, umi_counts_obs_key=tc_key, tree=tree, )
@staticmethod def _counts_from_anndata(adata, layer_key, dense=False, pandas=False): counts = adata.layers[layer_key] if layer_key is not None else adata.X is_sparse = issparse(counts) # handles adata view # as sparse matrix in view is just a sparse matrix, while dense is ArrayView if not issparse(counts): counts = np.asarray(counts) counts = counts.transpose() if dense: counts = counts.A if is_sparse else counts is_sparse = False if pandas and is_sparse: raise ValueError("Set dense=True to return pandas output") if pandas and not is_sparse: counts = pd.DataFrame( counts, index=adata.var_names, columns=adata.obs_names ) return counts
[docs] def create_knn_graph( self, weighted_graph=False, n_neighbors=30, neighborhood_factor=3, approx_neighbors=True, ): """Create's the KNN graph and graph weights The resulting matrices containing the neighbors and weights are stored in the object at `self.neighbors` and `self.weights` Parameters ---------- weighted_graph: bool Whether or not to create a weighted graph n_neighbors: int Neighborhood size neighborhood_factor: float Used when creating a weighted graph. Sets how quickly weights decay relative to the distances within the neighborhood. The weight for a cell with a distance d will decay as exp(-d/D) where D is the distance to the `n_neighbors`/`neighborhood_factor`-th neighbor. approx_neighbors: bool Use approximate nearest neighbors or exact scikit-learn neighbors. Only when hotspot initialized with `latent`. """ if self.latent is not None: neighbors, weights = neighbors_and_weights( self.latent, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, neighborhood_factor=neighborhood_factor, approx_neighbors=approx_neighbors, ) elif self.tree is not None: if weighted_graph: raise ValueError( "When using `tree` as the metric space, `weighted_graph=True` is not supported" ) neighbors, weights = tree_neighbors_and_weights( self.tree, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, cell_labels=self.adata.obs_names ) else: neighbors, weights = neighbors_and_weights_from_distances( self.distances, cell_index=self.adata.obs_names, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, neighborhood_factor=neighborhood_factor, ) neighbors = neighbors.loc[self.adata.obs_names] weights = weights.loc[self.adata.obs_names] self.neighbors = neighbors if not weighted_graph: weights = pd.DataFrame( np.ones_like(weights.values), index=weights.index, columns=weights.columns, ) weights = make_weights_non_redundant(neighbors.values, weights.values) weights = pd.DataFrame( weights, index=neighbors.index, columns=neighbors.columns ) self.weights = weights
def _compute_hotspot(self, jobs=1): """Perform feature selection using local autocorrelation In addition to returning output, this also stores the output in `self.results`. Alias for `self.compute_autocorrelations` Parameters ---------- jobs: int Number of parallel jobs to run Returns ------- results : pandas.DataFrame A dataframe with four columns: - C: Scaled -1:1 autocorrelation coeficients - Z: Z-score for autocorrelation - Pval: P-values computed from Z-scores - FDR: Q-values using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure Gene ids are in the index """ results = compute_hs( self.counts, self.neighbors, self.weights, self.umi_counts, self.model, genes=self.adata.var_names, centered=True, jobs=jobs, ) self.results = results return self.results
[docs] def compute_autocorrelations(self, jobs=1): """Perform feature selection using local autocorrelation In addition to returning output, this also stores the output in `self.results` Parameters ---------- jobs: int Number of parallel jobs to run Returns ------- results : pandas.DataFrame A dataframe with four columns: - C: Scaled -1:1 autocorrelation coeficients - Z: Z-score for autocorrelation - Pval: P-values computed from Z-scores - FDR: Q-values using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure Gene ids are in the index """ return self._compute_hotspot(jobs)
[docs] def compute_local_correlations(self, genes, jobs=1): """Define gene-gene relationships with pair-wise local correlations In addition to returning output, this method stores its result in `self.local_correlation_z` Parameters ---------- genes: iterable of str gene identifies to compute local correlations on should be a smaller subset of all genes jobs: int Number of parallel jobs to run Returns ------- local_correlation_z : pd.Dataframe local correlation Z-scores between genes shape is genes x genes """ print( "Computing pair-wise local correlation on {} features...".format(len(genes)) ) counts_dense = self._counts_from_anndata( self.adata[:, genes], self.layer_key, dense=True, pandas=True, ) lc, lcz = compute_hs_pairs_centered_cond( counts_dense, self.neighbors, self.weights, self.umi_counts, self.model, jobs=jobs, ) self.local_correlation_c = lc self.local_correlation_z = lcz return self.local_correlation_z
[docs] def create_modules(self, min_gene_threshold=20, core_only=True, fdr_threshold=0.05): """Groups genes into modules In addition to being returned, the results of this method are retained in the object at `self.modules`. Additionally, the linkage matrix (in the same form as that of scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage) is saved in `self.linkage` for plotting or manual clustering. Parameters ---------- min_gene_threshold: int Controls how small modules can be. Increase if there are too many modules being formed. Decrease if substructre is not being captured core_only: bool Whether or not to assign ambiguous genes to a module or leave unassigned fdr_threshold: float Correlation theshold at which to stop assigning genes to modules Returns ------- modules: pandas.Series Maps gene to module number. Unassigned genes are indicated with -1 """ gene_modules, Z = modules.compute_modules( self.local_correlation_z, min_gene_threshold=min_gene_threshold, fdr_threshold=fdr_threshold, core_only=core_only, ) self.modules = gene_modules self.linkage = Z return self.modules
[docs] def calculate_module_scores(self): """Calculate Module Scores In addition to returning its result, this method stores its output in the object at `self.module_scores` Returns ------- module_scores: pandas.DataFrame Scores for each module for each gene Dimensions are genes x modules """ modules_to_compute = sorted([x for x in self.modules.unique() if x != -1]) print("Computing scores for {} modules...".format(len(modules_to_compute))) module_scores = {} for module in tqdm(modules_to_compute): module_genes = self.modules.index[self.modules == module] counts_dense = self._counts_from_anndata( self.adata[:, module_genes], self.layer_key, dense=True ) scores = modules.compute_scores( counts_dense, self.model, self.umi_counts.values, self.neighbors.values, self.weights.values, ) module_scores[module] = scores module_scores = pd.DataFrame(module_scores) module_scores.index = self.adata.obs_names self.module_scores = module_scores return self.module_scores
[docs] def plot_local_correlations( self, mod_cmap="tab10", vmin=-8, vmax=8, z_cmap="RdBu_r", yticklabels=False ): """Plots a clustergrid of the local correlation values Parameters ---------- mod_cmap: valid matplotlib colormap str or object discrete colormap for module assignments on the left side vmin: float minimum value for colorscale for Z-scores vmax: float maximum value for colorscale for Z-scores z_cmap: valid matplotlib colormap str or object continuous colormap for correlation Z-scores yticklabels: bool Whether or not to plot all gene labels Default is false as there are too many. However if using this plot interactively you may with to set to true so you can zoom in and read gene names """ return local_correlation_plot( self.local_correlation_z, self.modules, self.linkage, mod_cmap=mod_cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, z_cmap=z_cmap, yticklabels=yticklabels, )